Callocator_tx | |
Cchrdev | |
Cchrdev_tx | |
Ccwd | |
Cdir | |
Cdir_tx | |
Cerror_tx | |
Cfd_tx | |
Cfifo | |
Cfifo_tx | |
Cfile_id | |
Cfile_tx | |
Cfile_tx_ops | File operations |
Cfpu_tx | |
Clog | The log holds the events of a transaction |
Cofd | |
Cofd_id | The unique id of an open file description |
Cofd_tx | |
Cpicotm_error | |
Cpicotm_ref16 | |
Cpicotm_rwlock | A reader-writer lock |
Cpicotm_rwstate | |
Cpicotm_shared_ref16 | |
Cpicotm_shared_treemap | Maps keys to values |
Cpicotm_treemap | Maps keys to values |
Cregfile | |
Cregfile_tx | |
Csocket | |
Csocket_tx | |
Ctm_frame | |
Ctm_page | |
Ctm_vmem | |
Ctm_vmem_tx |