Files | Functions
The C Math Library Module

Covers the C Math Library module. This module provides transactional C math functions, such sqrt() or pow(). More...


file  complex.h
 Transactional wrappers for interfaces of <complex.h>.
file  math-tm.h
 Transactional wrappers for interfaces of <math.h>.
file  math.h
 Transactional wrappers for interfaces of <math.h>.
file  picotm-libm.h
 Public interfaces of picotm's libm module.


PICOTM_NOTHROW double acos_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float acosf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double acosh_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float acoshf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double acoshl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double acosl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double asin_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float asinf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double asinh_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float asinhf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double asinhl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double asinl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double atan2_tx (double y, double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float atan2f_tx (float y, float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double atan2l_tx (long double y, long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double atan_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float atanf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double atanh_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float atanhf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double atanhl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double atanl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double cabs_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float cabsf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cabsl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cacos_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cacosf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cacosh_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cacoshf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cacoshl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cacosl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double carg_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float cargf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cargl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex casin_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex casinf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex casinh_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex casinhf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex casinhl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex casinl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex catan_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex catanf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex catanh_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex catanhf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex catanhl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex catanl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double cbrt_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float cbrtf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cbrtl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex ccos_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex ccosf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex ccosh_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex ccoshf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex ccoshl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex ccosl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double ceil_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float ceilf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double ceill_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cexp_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cexpf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cexpl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double cimag_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float cimagf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cimagl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex clog_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex clogf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex clogl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex conj_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex conjf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex conjl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double copysign_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float copysignf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double copysignl_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double cos_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float cosf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double cosh_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float coshf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double coshl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cosl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cpow_tx (double complex x, double complex y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cpowf_tx (float complex x, float complex y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cpowl_tx (long double complex x, long double complex y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cproj_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cprojf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cprojl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double creal_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float crealf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double creall_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex csin_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex csinf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex csinh_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex csinhf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex csinhl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex csinl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex csqrt_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex csqrtf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex csqrtl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex ctan_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex ctanf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex ctanh_tx (double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex ctanhf_tx (float complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex ctanhl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex ctanl_tx (long double complex z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double erf_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double erfc_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float erfcf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double erfcl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float erff_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double erfl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double exp2_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float exp2f_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double exp2l_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double exp_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float expf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double expl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double expm1_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float expm1f_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double expm1l_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double fabs_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float fabsf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fabsl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double fdim_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float fdimf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fdiml_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double floor_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float floorf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double floorl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double fma_tx (double x, double y, double z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float fmaf_tx (float x, float y, float z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fmal_tx (long double x, long double y, long double z)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double fmax_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float fmaxf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fmaxl_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double fmin_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float fminf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fminl_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double fmod_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float fmodf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fmodl_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double frexp_tm (double num, int *exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double frexp_tx (double num, int *exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float frexpf_tm (float num, int *exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float frexpf_tx (float num, int *exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double frexpl_tm (long double num, int *exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double frexpl_tx (long double num, int *exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double hypot_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float hypotf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double hypotl_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double ilogb_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float ilogbf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double ilogbl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double j0_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double j1_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double jn_tx (int n, double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double ldexp_tx (double x, int exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float ldexpf_tx (float x, int exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double ldexpl_tx (long double x, int exp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double lgamma_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float lgammaf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double lgammal_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llrint_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llrintf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llrintl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llround_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llroundf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llroundl_tx (long double x)
static double _Complex load_cdouble_tx (const double _Complex *addr)
static float _Complex load_cfloat_tx (const float _Complex *addr)
static long double _Complex load_cldouble_tx (const long double _Complex *addr)
static double_t load_double_t_tx (const double_t *addr)
static float_t load_float_t_tx (const float_t *addr)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double log10_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float log10f_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double log10l_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double log1p_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float log1pf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double log1pl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double log2_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float log2f_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double log2l_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double log_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double logb_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float logbf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double logbl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float logf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double logl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long lrint_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long lrintf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long lrintl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long lround_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long lroundf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long lroundl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double modf_tm (double x, double *iptr)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double modf_tx (double x, double *iptr)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float modff_tm (float x, float *iptr)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float modff_tx (float x, float *iptr)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double modfl_tm (long double x, long double *iptr)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double modfl_tx (long double x, long double *iptr)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double nan_tm (const char *tagp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double nan_tx (const char *tagp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float nanf_tm (const char *tagp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float nanf_tx (const char *tagp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nanl_tm (const char *tagp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nanl_tx (const char *tagp)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double nearbyint_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float nearbyintf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nearbyintl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double nextafter_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float nextafterf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nextafterl_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double nexttoward_tx (double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float nexttowardf_tx (float x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nexttowardl_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW void picotm_libm_save_fenv (void)
PICOTM_NOTHROW void picotm_libm_save_fexcept (void)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double pow_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float powf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double powl_tx (long double x, long double y)
static void privatize_cdouble_tx (const double _Complex *addr, unsigned long flags)
static void privatize_cfloat_tx (const float _Complex *addr, unsigned long flags)
static void privatize_cldouble_tx (const long double _Complex *addr, unsigned long flags)
static void privatize_double_t_tx (const double_t *addr, unsigned long flags)
static void privatize_float_t_tx (const float_t *addr, unsigned long flags)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double remainder_tx (double x, double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float remainderf_tx (float x, float y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double remainderl_tx (long double x, long double y)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double remquo_tm (double x, double y, int *quo)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double remquo_tx (double x, double y, int *quo)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float remquof_tm (float x, float y, int *quo)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float remquof_tx (float x, float y, int *quo)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double remquol_tm (long double x, long double y, int *quo)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double remquol_tx (long double x, long double y, int *quo)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double rint_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float rintf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double rintl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double round_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float roundf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double roundl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double scalbln_tx (double x, long n)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float scalblnf_tx (float x, long n)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double scalblnl_tx (long double x, long n)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double scalbn_tx (double x, int n)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float scalbnf_tx (float x, int n)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double scalbnl_tx (long double x, int n)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double sin_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float sinf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double sinh_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float sinhf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double sinhl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double sinl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double sqrt_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float sqrtf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double sqrtl_tx (long double x)
static void store_cdouble_tx (double _Complex *addr, double _Complex value)
static void store_cfloat_tx (float _Complex *addr, float _Complex value)
static void store_cldouble_tx (long double _Complex *addr, long double _Complex value)
static void store_double_t_tx (double_t *addr, double_t value)
static void store_float_t_tx (float_t *addr, float_t value)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double tan_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float tanf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double tanh_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float tanhf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double tanhl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double tanl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double tgamma_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float tgammaf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double tgammal_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double trunc_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW float truncf_tx (float x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW long double truncl_tx (long double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double y0_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double y1_tx (double x)
PICOTM_NOTHROW double yn_tx (int n, double x)

Detailed Description

The C Math Library module provides transactional implementations of typical C math functions, such as sqrt() or pow(). The functions in this module can simply be invoked without further configuration. Most of them don't have any state besides error reporting and the floating-point environment. All functions instrument the TM module for privatizing argument buffers, and instrument libc for saving errno.

The C Math Library maintains two global states. These are the floating-point environment and the floating-point status flags.

The floating-point environment contains configuration flags for operations that involve floating-point arithmetics. A typical example is the rounding mode.

The floating-point status flags signal errors during floating-point operations. Examples are overflow errors or divisions by zero.

All functions in libm handle these state variables automatically. If you implement an external module that modifies these states, libm offers two interface for saving the states. Call picotm_libm_save_fenv() to save the floating-point environment, and call picotm_libm_save_fexcept() to save the floating-point status flags. This will save and restore each state when necessary.

Function Documentation

◆ acos_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double acos_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of acos().

◆ acosf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float acosf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of acosf().

◆ acosh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double acosh_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of acosh().

◆ acoshf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float acoshf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of acoshf().

◆ acoshl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double acoshl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of acoshl().

◆ acosl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double acosl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of acosl().

◆ asin_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double asin_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of asin().

◆ asinf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float asinf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of asinf().

◆ asinh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double asinh_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of asinh().

◆ asinhf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float asinhf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of asinhf().

◆ asinhl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double asinhl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of asinhl().

◆ asinl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double asinl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of asinl().

◆ atan2_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double atan2_tx ( double  y,
double  x 

A transaction-safe implementation of atan2().

◆ atan2f_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float atan2f_tx ( float  y,
float  x 

A transaction-safe implementation of atan2f().

◆ atan2l_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double atan2l_tx ( long double  y,
long double  x 

A transaction-safe implementation of atan2l().

◆ atan_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double atan_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of atan().

◆ atanf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float atanf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of atanf().

◆ atanh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double atanh_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of atanh().

◆ atanhf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float atanhf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of atanhf().

◆ atanhl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double atanhl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of atanhl().

◆ atanl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double atanl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of atanl().

◆ cabs_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double cabs_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cabs().

◆ cabsf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float cabsf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cabsf().

◆ cabsl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cabsl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cabsl().

◆ cacos_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cacos_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cacos().

◆ cacosf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cacosf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cacosf().

◆ cacosh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cacosh_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cacosh().

◆ cacoshf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cacoshf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cacoshf().

◆ cacoshl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cacoshl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cacoshl().

◆ cacosl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cacosl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cacosl().

◆ carg_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double carg_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of carg().

◆ cargf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float cargf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cargf().

◆ cargl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cargl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cargl().

◆ casin_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex casin_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of casin().

◆ casinf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex casinf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of casinf().

◆ casinh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex casinh_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of casinh().

◆ casinhf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex casinhf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of casinhf().

◆ casinhl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex casinhl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of casinhl().

◆ casinl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex casinl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of casinl().

◆ catan_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex catan_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of catan().

◆ catanf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex catanf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of catanf().

◆ catanh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex catanh_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of catanh().

◆ catanhf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex catanhf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of catanhf().

◆ catanhl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex catanhl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of catanhl().

◆ catanl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex catanl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of catanl().

◆ cbrt_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double cbrt_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of cbrt().

◆ cbrtf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float cbrtf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of cbrtf().

◆ cbrtl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cbrtl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of cbrtl().

◆ ccos_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex ccos_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ccos().

◆ ccosf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex ccosf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ccosf().

◆ ccosh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex ccosh_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ccosh().

◆ ccoshf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex ccoshf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ccoshf().

◆ ccoshl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex ccoshl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ccoshl().

◆ ccosl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex ccosl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ccosl().

◆ ceil_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double ceil_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of ceil().

◆ ceilf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float ceilf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of ceilf().

◆ ceill_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double ceill_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of ceill().

◆ cexp_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cexp_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cexp().

◆ cexpf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cexpf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cexpf().

◆ cexpl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cexpl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cexpl().

◆ cimag_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double cimag_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cimag().

◆ cimagf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float cimagf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cimagf().

◆ cimagl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cimagl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cimagl().

◆ clog_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex clog_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of clog().

◆ clogf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex clogf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of clogf().

◆ clogl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex clogl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of clogl().

◆ conj_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex conj_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of conj().

◆ conjf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex conjf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of conjf().

◆ conjl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex conjl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of conjl().

◆ copysign_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double copysign_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of copysign().

◆ copysignf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float copysignf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of copysignf().

◆ copysignl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double copysignl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of copysignl().

◆ cos_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double cos_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of cos().

◆ cosf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float cosf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of cosf().

◆ cosh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double cosh_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of cosh().

◆ coshf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float coshf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of coshf().

◆ coshl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double coshl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of coshl().

◆ cosl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double cosl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of cosl().

◆ cpow_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cpow_tx ( double complex  x,
double complex  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of cpow().

◆ cpowf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cpowf_tx ( float complex  x,
float complex  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of cpowf().

◆ cpowl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cpowl_tx ( long double complex  x,
long double complex  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of cpowl().

◆ cproj_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex cproj_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cproj().

◆ cprojf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex cprojf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cprojf().

◆ cprojl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex cprojl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of cprojl().

◆ creal_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double creal_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of creal().

◆ crealf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float crealf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of crealf().

◆ creall_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double creall_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of creall().

◆ csin_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex csin_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csin().

◆ csinf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex csinf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csinf().

◆ csinh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex csinh_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csinh().

◆ csinhf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex csinhf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csinhf().

◆ csinhl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex csinhl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csinhl().

◆ csinl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex csinl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csinl().

◆ csqrt_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex csqrt_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csqrt().

◆ csqrtf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex csqrtf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csqrtf().

◆ csqrtl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex csqrtl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of csqrtl().

◆ ctan_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex ctan_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ctan().

◆ ctanf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex ctanf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ctanf().

◆ ctanh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double complex ctanh_tx ( double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ctanh().

◆ ctanhf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float complex ctanhf_tx ( float complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ctanhf().

◆ ctanhl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex ctanhl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ctanhl().

◆ ctanl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double complex ctanl_tx ( long double complex  z)

A transaction-safe implementation of ctanl().

◆ erf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double erf_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of erf().

◆ erfc_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double erfc_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of erfc().

◆ erfcf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float erfcf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of erfcf().

◆ erfcl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double erfcl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of erfcl().

◆ erff_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float erff_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of erff().

◆ erfl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double erfl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of erfl().

◆ exp2_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double exp2_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of exp2().

◆ exp2f_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float exp2f_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of exp2f().

◆ exp2l_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double exp2l_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of exp2l().

◆ exp_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double exp_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of exp().

◆ expf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float expf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of expf().

◆ expl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double expl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of expl().

◆ expm1_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double expm1_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of expm1().

◆ expm1f_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float expm1f_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of expm1f().

◆ expm1l_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double expm1l_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of expm1l().

◆ fabs_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double fabs_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of fabs().

◆ fabsf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float fabsf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of fabsf().

◆ fabsl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fabsl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of fabsl().

◆ fdim_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double fdim_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fdim().

◆ fdimf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float fdimf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fdimf().

◆ fdiml_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fdiml_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fdiml().

◆ floor_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double floor_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of floor().

◆ floorf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float floorf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of floorf().

◆ floorl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double floorl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of floorl().

◆ fma_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double fma_tx ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

A transaction-safe implementation of fma().

◆ fmaf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float fmaf_tx ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmaf().

◆ fmal_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fmal_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y,
long double  z 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmal().

◆ fmax_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double fmax_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmax().

◆ fmaxf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float fmaxf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmaxf().

◆ fmaxl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fmaxl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmaxl().

◆ fmin_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double fmin_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmin().

◆ fminf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float fminf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fminf().

◆ fminl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fminl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fminl().

◆ fmod_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double fmod_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmod().

◆ fmodf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float fmodf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmodf().

◆ fmodl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double fmodl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of fmodl().

◆ frexp_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double frexp_tm ( double  num,
int *  exp 

Variant of frexp_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ frexp_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double frexp_tx ( double  num,
int *  exp 

A transaction-safe implementation of frexp().

◆ frexpf_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float frexpf_tm ( float  num,
int *  exp 

Variant of frexpf_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ frexpf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float frexpf_tx ( float  num,
int *  exp 

A transaction-safe implementation of frexpf().

◆ frexpl_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double frexpl_tm ( long double  num,
int *  exp 

Variant of frexpl_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ frexpl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double frexpl_tx ( long double  num,
int *  exp 

A transaction-safe implementation of frexpl().

◆ hypot_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double hypot_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of hypot().

◆ hypotf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float hypotf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of hypotf().

◆ hypotl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double hypotl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of hypotl().

◆ ilogb_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double ilogb_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of ilogb().

◆ ilogbf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float ilogbf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of ilogbf().

◆ ilogbl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double ilogbl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of ilogbl().

◆ j0_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double j0_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of j0().

◆ j1_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double j1_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of j1().

◆ jn_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double jn_tx ( int  n,
double  x 

A transaction-safe implementation of jn().

◆ ldexp_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double ldexp_tx ( double  x,
int  exp 

A transaction-safe implementation of ldexp().

◆ ldexpf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float ldexpf_tx ( float  x,
int  exp 

A transaction-safe implementation of ldexpf().

◆ ldexpl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double ldexpl_tx ( long double  x,
int  exp 

A transaction-safe implementation of ldexpl().

◆ lgamma_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double lgamma_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lgamma().

◆ lgammaf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float lgammaf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lgammaf().

◆ lgammal_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double lgammal_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lgammal().

◆ llrint_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llrint_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of llrint().

◆ llrintf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llrintf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of llrintf().

◆ llrintl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llrintl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of llrintl().

◆ llround_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llround_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of llround().

◆ llroundf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llroundf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of llroundf().

◆ llroundl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long long llroundl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of llroundl().

◆ load_cdouble_tx()

static double _Complex load_cdouble_tx ( const double _Complex *  addr)

Loads a value of type ' double _Complex ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe source address.
The transaction-local value loaded from address 'addr'.

◆ load_cfloat_tx()

static float _Complex load_cfloat_tx ( const float _Complex *  addr)

Loads a value of type ' float _Complex ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe source address.
The transaction-local value loaded from address 'addr'.

◆ load_cldouble_tx()

static long double _Complex load_cldouble_tx ( const long double _Complex *  addr)

Loads a value of type ' long double _Complex ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe source address.
The transaction-local value loaded from address 'addr'.

◆ load_double_t_tx()

static double_t load_double_t_tx ( const double_t *  addr)

Loads a value of type ' double_t ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe source address.
The transaction-local value loaded from address 'addr'.

◆ load_float_t_tx()

static float_t load_float_t_tx ( const float_t *  addr)

Loads a value of type ' float_t ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe source address.
The transaction-local value loaded from address 'addr'.

◆ log10_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double log10_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log10().

◆ log10f_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float log10f_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log10f().

◆ log10l_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double log10l_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log10l().

◆ log1p_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double log1p_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log1p().

◆ log1pf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float log1pf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log1pf().

◆ log1pl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double log1pl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log1pl().

◆ log2_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double log2_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log2().

◆ log2f_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float log2f_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log2f().

◆ log2l_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double log2l_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log2l().

◆ log_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double log_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of log().

◆ logb_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double logb_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of logb().

◆ logbf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float logbf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of logbf().

◆ logbl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double logbl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of logbl().

◆ logf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float logf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of logf().

◆ logl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double logl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of logl().

◆ lrint_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long lrint_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lrint().

◆ lrintf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long lrintf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lrintf().

◆ lrintl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long lrintl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lrintl().

◆ lround_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long lround_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lround().

◆ lroundf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long lroundf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lroundf().

◆ lroundl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long lroundl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of lroundl().

◆ modf_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double modf_tm ( double  x,
double *  iptr 

Variant of modf_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ modf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double modf_tx ( double  x,
double *  iptr 

A transaction-safe implementation of modf().

◆ modff_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float modff_tm ( float  x,
float *  iptr 

Variant of modff_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ modff_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float modff_tx ( float  x,
float *  iptr 

A transaction-safe implementation of modff().

◆ modfl_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double modfl_tm ( long double  x,
long double *  iptr 

Variant of modfl_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ modfl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double modfl_tx ( long double  x,
long double *  iptr 

A transaction-safe implementation of modfl().

◆ nan_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double nan_tm ( const char *  tagp)

Variant of nan_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ nan_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double nan_tx ( const char *  tagp)

A transaction-safe implementation of nan().

◆ nanf_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float nanf_tm ( const char *  tagp)

Variant of nanf_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ nanf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float nanf_tx ( const char *  tagp)

A transaction-safe implementation of nanf().

◆ nanl_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nanl_tm ( const char *  tagp)

Variant of nanl_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ nanl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nanl_tx ( const char *  tagp)

A transaction-safe implementation of nanl().

◆ nearbyint_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double nearbyint_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of nearbyint().

◆ nearbyintf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float nearbyintf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of nearbyintf().

◆ nearbyintl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nearbyintl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of nearbyintl().

◆ nextafter_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double nextafter_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of nextafter().

◆ nextafterf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float nextafterf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of nearafterf().

◆ nextafterl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nextafterl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of nearafterl().

◆ nexttoward_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double nexttoward_tx ( double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of nexttoward().

◆ nexttowardf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float nexttowardf_tx ( float  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of nexttowardf().

◆ nexttowardl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double nexttowardl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of nexttowardl().

◆ picotm_libm_save_fenv()

PICOTM_NOTHROW void picotm_libm_save_fenv ( void  )

Saves the floating-point environment.

◆ picotm_libm_save_fexcept()

PICOTM_NOTHROW void picotm_libm_save_fexcept ( void  )

Saves the floating-point status flags.

◆ pow_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double pow_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of pow().

◆ powf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float powf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of powf().

◆ powl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double powl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of powl().

◆ privatize_cdouble_tx()

static void privatize_cdouble_tx ( const double _Complex *  addr,
unsigned long  flags 

Privatizes a value of type ' double _Complex '.

addrThe address to privatize.
flagsPrivatizes for loading and/or storing. Not setting flags discards the buffer.

◆ privatize_cfloat_tx()

static void privatize_cfloat_tx ( const float _Complex *  addr,
unsigned long  flags 

Privatizes a value of type ' float _Complex '.

addrThe address to privatize.
flagsPrivatizes for loading and/or storing. Not setting flags discards the buffer.

◆ privatize_cldouble_tx()

static void privatize_cldouble_tx ( const long double _Complex *  addr,
unsigned long  flags 

Privatizes a value of type ' long double _Complex '.

addrThe address to privatize.
flagsPrivatizes for loading and/or storing. Not setting flags discards the buffer.

◆ privatize_double_t_tx()

static void privatize_double_t_tx ( const double_t *  addr,
unsigned long  flags 

Privatizes a value of type ' double_t '.

addrThe address to privatize.
flagsPrivatizes for loading and/or storing. Not setting flags discards the buffer.

◆ privatize_float_t_tx()

static void privatize_float_t_tx ( const float_t *  addr,
unsigned long  flags 

Privatizes a value of type ' float_t '.

addrThe address to privatize.
flagsPrivatizes for loading and/or storing. Not setting flags discards the buffer.

◆ remainder_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double remainder_tx ( double  x,
double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of remainder().

◆ remainderf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float remainderf_tx ( float  x,
float  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of remainderf().

◆ remainderl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double remainderl_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y 

A transaction-safe implementation of remainderl().

◆ remquo_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double remquo_tm ( double  x,
double  y,
int *  quo 

Variant of remquo_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ remquo_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double remquo_tx ( double  x,
double  y,
int *  quo 

A transaction-safe implementation of remquo().

◆ remquof_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float remquof_tm ( float  x,
float  y,
int *  quo 

Variant of remquof_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ remquof_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float remquof_tx ( float  x,
float  y,
int *  quo 

A transaction-safe implementation of remquof().

◆ remquol_tm()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double remquol_tm ( long double  x,
long double  y,
int *  quo 

Variant of remquol_tx() that operates on transactional memory.

◆ remquol_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double remquol_tx ( long double  x,
long double  y,
int *  quo 

A transaction-safe implementation of remquol().

◆ rint_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double rint_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of rint().

◆ rintf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float rintf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of rintl().

◆ rintl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double rintl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of rintl().

◆ round_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double round_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of round().

◆ roundf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float roundf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of roundf().

◆ roundl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double roundl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of roundl().

◆ scalbln_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double scalbln_tx ( double  x,
long  n 

A transaction-safe implementation of scalbln().

◆ scalblnf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float scalblnf_tx ( float  x,
long  n 

A transaction-safe implementation of scalblnf().

◆ scalblnl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double scalblnl_tx ( long double  x,
long  n 

A transaction-safe implementation of scalblnl().

◆ scalbn_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double scalbn_tx ( double  x,
int  n 

A transaction-safe implementation of scalbn().

◆ scalbnf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float scalbnf_tx ( float  x,
int  n 

A transaction-safe implementation of scalbnf().

◆ scalbnl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double scalbnl_tx ( long double  x,
int  n 

A transaction-safe implementation of scalbnl().

◆ sin_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double sin_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sin().

◆ sinf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float sinf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sinf().

◆ sinh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double sinh_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sinh().

◆ sinhf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float sinhf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sinhf().

◆ sinhl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double sinhl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sinhl().

◆ sinl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double sinl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sinl().

◆ sqrt_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double sqrt_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sqrt().

◆ sqrtf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float sqrtf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sqrtf().

◆ sqrtl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double sqrtl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of sqrtl().

◆ store_cdouble_tx()

static void store_cdouble_tx ( double _Complex *  addr,
double _Complex  value 

Stores a value of type ' double _Complex ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe destination address.
valueThe value to store at 'addr'.

◆ store_cfloat_tx()

static void store_cfloat_tx ( float _Complex *  addr,
float _Complex  value 

Stores a value of type ' float _Complex ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe destination address.
valueThe value to store at 'addr'.

◆ store_cldouble_tx()

static void store_cldouble_tx ( long double _Complex *  addr,
long double _Complex  value 

Stores a value of type ' long double _Complex ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe destination address.
valueThe value to store at 'addr'.

◆ store_double_t_tx()

static void store_double_t_tx ( double_t *  addr,
double_t  value 

Stores a value of type ' double_t ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe destination address.
valueThe value to store at 'addr'.

◆ store_float_t_tx()

static void store_float_t_tx ( float_t *  addr,
float_t  value 

Stores a value of type ' float_t ' with transactional semantics.

addrThe destination address.
valueThe value to store at 'addr'.

◆ tan_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double tan_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tan().

◆ tanf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float tanf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tanf().

◆ tanh_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double tanh_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tanh().

◆ tanhf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float tanhf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tanhf().

◆ tanhl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double tanhl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tanhl().

◆ tanl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double tanl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tanl().

◆ tgamma_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double tgamma_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tgamma().

◆ tgammaf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float tgammaf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tgammaf().

◆ tgammal_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double tgammal_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of tgammal().

◆ trunc_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double trunc_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of trunc().

◆ truncf_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW float truncf_tx ( float  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of truncf().

◆ truncl_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW long double truncl_tx ( long double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of truncl().

◆ y0_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double y0_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of y0().

◆ y1_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double y1_tx ( double  x)

A transaction-safe implementation of y1().

◆ yn_tx()

PICOTM_NOTHROW double yn_tx ( int  n,
double  x 

A transaction-safe implementation of yn().